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Articles and Videos

The End Of Student Burnout

InspoDaily feature PhD Mindfulness - Mindfulness boosting mental health

PhD Mental Health

PhD Mental Health poster by Dr Zoë Ayres @ZJAyres

Nature PhD The Tortuous truth

36% of respondents have sought help for anxiety or depression caused by PhD studies. 1/3 of them sought help from places other than their institution, and 18% sought hep at their institution and didn't feel supported.

Advance HE survey into Postgraduate expe

Advance HE survey into Postgraduate experience - "PGRs reveal striking levels of anxiety, with only 14% reporting that they have low anxiety."

PhD First International Mental Health Me

PhD First International Mental Health Meeting

More mental health support

Pivotal study!...Graduate students are six times more likely to experience anxiety and depression than the general population.

General consensus of how PhD students feel

How most PhD students feel they need to be to survive the PhD programme

PhD Mental Health Issues are a problem

PhD Mental Health problems are an issue

10 reasons

10 reasons PhD students struggle with mental health

PhD encouragement

This video WILL cheer you up and hence improve your productivity.

A Mindful PhD

What happens when you incorporate mindfulness into the PhD

Mindfulness Course

Find out how your mind works and techniques to keep your moods balanced.

Mental Health: Caught in a trap

The PhD experience told by PhD students and graduates

PhD Mental Health statistics

This is the startling research that has rocked the institutions all over the world regarding Mental Health and the PhD programme

Reality of Student Depression

How one student managed their Mental Health problems - TEDx talk

Motivational Artwork

Encouragement: Feel free to save these images on your desktop or phone. Equally, if you have any artwork that you would like to feature here then contact us!

ave Livesas an Organ Donor (1)
temBer 3 - 5, 202010-00 AM - 6-00 PMThe National Park Museum

Don't believe everything that you think.




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